Wednesday, August 12, 2015

National Museum Of American History

Today we're visiting the National Museum of American History located at 14th St and Constitution Ave, NW Washington, DC 20001

For our previous post about this museum, click here

On the front of the building there are two letters.
Who wrote these letters? Why?

Here are some questions for discussion on Thursday.

  • What does it mean to be American? The museum houses the original Star-Spangled Banner from the War of 1812, which was the inspiration for our national anthem; many people consider this the quintessential symbol of America. What five other objects best symbolize America to you?
  • What is the essence of citizenship? What objects represent what citizenship means in American history?
  • Consider costumes. How does what we wear represent who we are? Find intriguing characters in the museum and explain what their clothes say about them, or find intriguing clothes and costumes and explain what they say about their wearer or their time.
  • Is there an "immigrant experience"? Find examples of immigration stories and explore what makes them similar or different.
  • What does "the American dream" mean to you? What objects in the museum represent that dream? What objects represent the American dream denied or deferred?
  • What is justice? What objects represent justice, or the denial of justice, to you?

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