Monday, August 24, 2015

How to control someone else's arm with your brain

I watched a very exciting video about "How to control someone else's arm with your brain" by Greg Gage on TED. The video talked that the brain is an amazing and complex organ. 

Even though many people are fascinated by the brain, but they can't tell you much about how your brain works because they haven't been taught about neuroscience in school. The reasons are the equipment is so complex and so expensive and it's really only done at major universities and large institutions. That's a shame because one out of five of us, that's 20 percent of the entire world, will have a neurological disorder. And there are zero cures for these diseases.

Greg Gage said that when he was a graduate student, he and his lab mate Tim Marzullo decided to took this complex equipment that they have for studying the brain and made it simple enough and affordable enough that anyone could learn and actually participate in the discovery of neuroscience.

Then he did an experiment that he recorded a volunteer's brain while she control her arm by a equipment that he and his lab mate have invented called DIY neuroscience equipment.

After that he used the machine to connect the first volunteer's brain with the second volunteer's arm. Then while the first volunteer's brain control her arm, the second volunteer's arm was moving as same as the first volunteer's arm. 

I think it was amazing project and that means in the future your brain will control every things you want to.

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