Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Smithsonian National Museum of American History

Field Trip!

Who invented the Graphophone?

How many rooms are in the Big Doll House?

How many seats are represented in the Greensboro "Sit-in" Diner exhibit?

How many stars on the huge flag?

What is the name of cafeteria at the American History Museum?

What color is Laura Bush's inaugural gown?

When you look in the FOOD exhibit, what country invented the Bento Box?

When was the microwave invented?

Who was the very first First Lady?

What exhibit will you find the red grill?

Which president purchased the big horse drawn carriage?

When was the Philadelphia Gunboat built?

In the American Stories exhibit there is a wedding dress, what is it made of?

What floor is the Documents Gallery on?

What floor is the Power Machinery exhibit on?


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