Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Field Trip to the U.S. Botanic Garden

Stratford ESL is going on a field trip!  On Thursday, 12/14/2016, we are going to visit the U.S. Botanic Garden.

We'll meet at the Federal Center SW Metro Station (Blue/Orange/Silver) at 10 a.m. and walk to the garden from there.  The Garden is mostly indoors, but the walk may be chilly, so dress appropriately! Bring your camera and wear good walking shoes.

See you there!

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Field Trip to the United States Capitol!

Tomorrow, November 23, 2016, @StratfordESL is going to visit the U.S. Capitol Building.  

We will meet at the exit of the Capitol South Metro station at 10:30 and from there we can walk to the Capitol together.  We'll take the tour, check the museum and possibly walk through the tunnel to the Library of Congress.

It should be an exciting and educational visit.  If you want to read more about where we are going, check these links.  See you tomorrow!!

Monday, November 7, 2016

Election Day Field Trip!

     Tomorrow, November 8, 2016, ESL students from Stratford University are going to take a field trip to visit a polling place.  We are going to take the Metro to Rosslyn Metro stop on the Orange, Silver, and Blue lines.  We will meet at 10:30 at the exit of the station.  From there we will walk to a polling place and several other points of interest in the neighborhood.

     The weather report from says it will be 67 and sunny, so dress appropriately.  Wear comfortable shoes because we are going to walk.  You can bring your camera if you would like to take pictures.
See you tomorrow!

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Field trip to the Capitol Building

Last week, ESL students from Stratford University went to the Capitol building. We met at the Capitol South metro station and headed towards the building. It was really amazing to see the huge beautiful building.

However, it was not easy. You have to go through a tight security screening for safety and security. We were guided by a Congressional intern from the building, he was nice and friendly. There were very beautiful paintings of American history, which was awesome.

Inside the building, there were many statues of great American personalities. The most amazing statue was of the statue of Freedom which is more than 13 foot high.  It was once carried by helicopter, cleaned and replaced on top of the building.  On the statue, the Snake represents Wisdom and the Eagle represents Freedom.

     The building is the symbol of unity as well as love for building a nation together. We also got chance to watch a short historical movie about the Capitol building. I was glad to see and learn the history of The United State of America.


Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Field Trip to the US Capitol Building

Tomorrow, October 5th, 2016, Stratford ESL is going to visit the U.S. Capitol Building.  We have a guided tour scheduled for 11 a.m. from the Longworth House Office Building.

We will meet at the exit of the Capitol South Metro station at 10:30 and from there we can walk to the office together.

Students might want to bring their passports, in case we need photo identification.  Also, there will be several security checks, so try to leave your large bags at home.  You can bring a camera, but we might not be able to take pictures inside.

It should be an exciting and educational visit.  If you want to read more about where we are going, check these links.  See you tomorrow!!

Monday, September 19, 2016

Air and Space Museum

     Last week, on Thursday we went on a field trip to the Air and Space Museum. We met at the Smithsonian Metro station and walked toward the museum. The museum was well organized with high security where we as well as our bags were checked properly.

    In the morning time the museum was not crowded so that we could see things clearly. We followed our teacher's instructions and got to know about the museum. We went inside the room about science, pressure, speed, water, air and vacuums. This helped us to know how airplanes are built.

    In the picture on the left , you can see that water does not compress easily so that the speed of the water increases in the narrow space, in contrast the speed of the water flow slows down on the broad part.

 In the picture on the right, the continuous air pressure from the blower flows around the ball and forms low pressure around the ball. Due to the low pressure, the ball starts to fall however the high surrounding pressure shoves it back and that keeps the ball up without falling.


     As we were walking around we found one great instructor who was really nice. His name was Mark Goldberg. He took us step by step to make us understand about the creation from small to giant airplane and rockets. His English was clear with audible sound which made it easier to understand.

 The creators were the Wright brothers, who were bike mechanics. Their strong will and dedication led to the invention of the airplane.

 I was glad to see all the real airplanes, from the invention until today. I had lot of fun when I got inside the airplane and saw how they were built in the past.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Field Trip to Air and Space Museum

Tomorrow, Stratford ESL will take a field trip to the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum on the National Mall.  We will meet at 10 a.m. outside of the Smithsonian Metro station and walk down the mall to the museum.

For homework this weekend you can write a blog post about your experience at the museum.  I'll take some photos that you can use.  While the museum itself is free, if you'd like to see one of the IMAX 3-D movies the tickets are $9.

See you tomorrow at 10 a.m.!  

Monday, September 12, 2016

Free Books in Stratford Falls Church Library

     Students can get old edition books for free now in Falls Church Stratford University. As the new edition books are available, there is not enough space for those old edition books.  All types of books from different faculties are available in the Falls Church Stratford library such as Health, Literature, Computer Science, Dictionary and Math. For example, Oxford Dictionary and Saladin sixth edition Anatomy and Physiology was available.

     Nick Patel MBA student at Stratford said," It is very helpful for my data, assignment, PPT file and I can achieve the the advance knowledge in the field of accounting." According to the students they are happy to study and take free books with them as their choice.

    Student can read those free books online too. Incontrast, new edition books are not available online. Students can  study by downloading and creating the email in online Book Shelf. As students could learn online in mobile phone too which makes them easier, faster as well as comfortable. Pruthvi Gukunti IT student at Stratford said," It's easy to find the data, project work and presentation. It is really helpful."

     Students can directly go to the library and take the books with out showing any ID and do not have to fill up any form. According to Jade Woodridge the Stratford University Falls Church librarian," These books are free, we  do not have space for collection. Take as many as you like."

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Middle Adulthood and Late Adulthood

     The time periods of middle adulthood and late adulthood are not exactly proved, but are generally categorized as 40 to 65 years and over 65 years respectively. People have different thoughts about both stages of life. Some may like middle adulthood, whereas some may prefer late adulthood. There are advantages and disadvantages in both stages of life. Middle adulthood is preferable because one has met their goals,  has the power of decision making and responsibilities to assist the new generation.

     Middle adulthood is the period when most people have achieved their goals and have a settled life. After finishing their studies, in the period of middle adulthood they have selected their major job for better retirement. They have their own families where they've got responsibilities as well as the decision making power. They could decide which type of lifestyle they want. They have to work on being a role model for their next generation. In this period, they have to work on saving money thinking for their retirement,which is a sort of challenge for them, maintaining balance between present and future.

     In the period of late adulthood people are retired and are free from lots of responsibilities, but they have to deal with some physical problems. In this period of time they can fulfill their incomplete dreams. They can feel satisfied with the outcomes that they have achieved and be happy living an active lifestyle. This is the free time for them to take rest, travel and do the things they want to.  In contrast, they feel disappointed about their deterioration in their physical appearance like weakness, decrease memory power, increases the rates of disease and drops the intellectual capacity. Some of them become the victims of loneliness and some stay in the old age houses. They are mentally prepared for the term death. There will be some unhappiness being separated from their family.

     I would like to be in middle adulthood because I will have my own settled life with my family. I can be independent with decision making power. I will also like to be as a role model for my future generation where I can guide them for their better life. I would like to teach them my culture, traditions, language, customs and values to keep them alive generation to generation. 

      In conclusion, middle adulthood and late adult hood both have lots of advantages and disadvantages. However, middle adulthood is preferable for its mental, physical and intellectual health. Whereas, in late adult hood peoples abilities are diminishing slowly more into a dependent stage. 

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Meditation on Mondays reduces Stress

Every Monday Azra Khan from student support services at Stratford University leads a meditation class in the Jefferson room on the fifth floor from 12:00 pm to 12:30 pm. Students from every faculty as well as teachers participate in the meditation session. Now there are around ten students as well as faculty members in this session.

The definition of meditation is a practice of focusing on thoughts in a calm and quiet environment. According to Azra Khan,"To focus on a moment and your breath and not worry about the future or past, enjoy the moment. This moment is going to be the past. Peace in yourself is meditation."

Many people believe that meditation helps to reduce stress, anxiety, tensions and increases happiness, love, harmony and positive relationships. Parth, a student worker at Stratford who has participated in the meditations, said," At the time of meditation I feel relaxed, energized, refreshed and it also helps me to improve my concentration power."

According to whatever you do with awareness is meditation. "Watching your breath is meditation. Listening to the birds is meditation. As long as these activities are free from any other distraction to the mind is the effective meditation." Margaret, an ESL teacher and participant in the meditation, said,"Meditation is a quiet time that clears and relaxes my brain focusing on breathing. The process of breathing in and out trains my brain to put everything out and relax."

Azra Khan said "Being a part of meditation and mindfulness project provides a great opportunity for me to connect with students personally and to be able to teach students soft skills."

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

2015 Earthquake Effects still Noticeable in Nepal

People in Nepal are still suffering from the earthquake which happened last year. In 2015, 25 April there was a massive earthquake which killed more then 8,000 and injured 20,000 more.

     According to www.mercycorps,org more then 500,500 houses were destroyed due to that huge earthquake and 270,900 houses were damaged. According to the Nepalese government provided 15,000 Nepali rupees($140) to each family and then later an additional amount of 10,000 Nepali rupees($94) per family. 

     Approximately 300,000 Nepali rupees (2796.21$) is needed to build a simple house so the money provided is not enough to re-build a house.  Half of the victims are still living under tents. There had been some financial aid from national and international organizations, but it hasn't been enough to cover the disaster.

     The victims from this earthquake are facing the problem of load shedding, which is when the power is turned off intermittently. The hydro powers as well as electric lines were destroyed due to the earthquake resulting in disruption of power supply. According to victims from the earthquake are using lights from their motorbikes to cook food at night in Kathmandu valley.

     After such huge destruction people need many basic things to live like food, water, clothing and shelter. According to after the earthquake people needed clean water, blankets and towels, tarps and hygienic materials. 

     Since 2015 there have been other smaller earthquakes as well. According to there have been 428 aftershocks greater than 4 on the Richter scale in and around Nepal since the big one last year. 

     Mahima, a Nepalese citizen living in Washington DC, said, "I am here, however my mind is thinking about my country and scared due to earthquakes which are going on frequently most of the days."

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Smithsonian Folk-life Festival

     Last week, we went to Smithsonian Folk-life Festival as our field trip. We are studying American culture and conversation, so we go on a field trip, like the zoo, museums, and Botanic garden, to learn about the U.S. every week. This field trip was about Basque and Sounds of California, so we could enjoy a lot of traditional Basque culture and various music of California. Many people came to see the festival and share the special culture. It was a good opportunity to learn about Smithsonian Folk-life Festival, traditional cultures, and immigration from other countries.

     Smithsonian Institute holds the Folk-life Festival every year on the National Mall. It is conducted by the people from different countries to share their tradition and culture. People can get involved and learn about their food, dance, songs and hand crafts. These things help us understand different cultures which is very important to tie people together. For this reason, Smithsonian Institute has tried to introduce cultural variety and encouraged people to learn about different things and new places since 1967.

     This year, the topic of Smithsonian Folk-life Festival is "Basque: Innovation by culture and Sounds of California." Basque country is a small place between Spain and France, and it has a unique tradition and culture. Because there were many special booths which showed their lives, music, dance, costumes, food and art, we could see, experience and learn about the Basque. In addition, many musicians sang and played instruments in the booth related to Sound of California. California is the most famous melting pot in the U.S., so cultural diversity has affected people's lives and music as well. It is a good chance to think about how music reflects and connects different people together. Also, this festival reminded us of that immigration is a very important part of the U.S. culture and history

     These events, which are held to celebrate different cultures and countries, are one of the reasons why people come to the U.S. Every year, people from all over the world immigrate here for education, technology, and freedom. The education in the U.S. system is more practical. As the technology is very developed, people can utilize their skills and talents to achieve their goals. Each and everyone has their own individual right, so they can feel free to do anything.


Tuesday, July 12, 2016

What is about America that attracts immigration?

     Nowadays, many people from different counties first choice or dream country for immigration is America. I am also a immigrant to complete my bachelor's degree. So, in my opinion, education, technology and freedom are the main factors for immigration.  

     First, education is one of the most important factors that attracts many foreign students. In the US, quality teaching with strong practical skills helps students to be perfect in both theoretical and practical knowledge. In this competitive world education plays a vital role in building a foundation for your bright future. For instance, I came to America to upgrade my skills and knowledge. This will be accepted all over the world.  Moreover, I can learn English which is an international language from native English speakers.

     Secondly, the US is well known all over the world due to its powerful technology. America is one of the best places to utilize your talent and skills to achieve your goals using advance technology. For example, America was able to set foot on the moon. Increasing development of technology has made peoples lives more comfortable, easier and faster.

     Finally, the US stands for liberty, peace and individual rights.  Each and everyone has equal human rights to live how they want in most circumstances. One can speak in front of the White house anything he likes because of the freedom of speech. There isn't any discrimination and laws are equal for everyone from any culture, country, religion and custom. So, America is the best choice for the young generation to build up their future however they like.

     In conclusion, the United States of America is one of the best choices for people who want quality education,  advanced technology and the freedom to express yourself.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Friday Assignment - Smithsonian FolkLife Festival Reflection

For Monday, each of you should be ready with a 5-minute oral report discussing what you saw, heard and learned on yesterday's field trip to the Smithsonian Folklife Festival.

Here are some questions to consider :

  • In the United States, how do immigrants from different countries and people of different ethnicities get along together?
  • What is it about America that attracts immigration?
  • Why does the Smithsonian Institute have a festival like this every year?
  • What was this festival celebrating? 

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Busboys and Poets

     Last week, we went to the famous restaurant Busboys and Poets. We met at U St metro station and walked from there. While we were walking, we saw beautiful spray paintings made on the wall of the Ben's Chili bowl. We took some pictures and videos. Then we went inside the Busboys and Poets which was interesting. We saw a small book store where there were a lot of author signed books about famous personalities. For example, Barack Obama and Micheal Jackson. Then we booked one big table and sat around with big menu and ordered some coffee and juice. We had some conversation which helps me to know more about American culture. We had a lot of fun over there and after few hours we went back to the metro station.

     I liked this field trip because it helped me to find out about a well known place and the traditions from generation to generation.  I liked the way they use the paintings to reflect the importance of famous people. The place was colorful so I enjoyed it a lot and felt at home there. This place was really good to learn about the past history of America. The restaurant was so clean. I can read, eat, and enjoy the music all in one place, which was great.

Smithsonian Folklife Festival Field Trip

Tomorrow, July 7, 2016, we are going to the Smithsonian Folklife Festival on the National Mall.  The festival opens at 11am, so we'll meet at 10:30 at the Smithsonian Metro station on the Orange, Blue and Silver lines and walk from there.  Be sure to exit the station toward the Mall, not toward the Department of Agriculture.  There should be a lot for us to learn!

Busboy and Poets

     Have you ever been to Busboy and Poets? If you have not been there, you should visit it because it is a nice place to enjoy delicious food and spend time with your friends and family. We went there last Thursday as our field trip. We met at U St Metro Station where there are a lot of beautiful old buildings and interesting graffiti. While we were walking along the U Street, we saw Ben's Chill Bowl, a famous hot dog restaurant, and some murals which make the place more colorful and exciting. We heard historical stories about some buildings and murals from our instructor who has a lot of information about Washington D.C. He helped us easily understand what the buildings are and what happened there.

     When we entered Busboy and Poets, we could see the small bookstore and the nice restaurant. Even though the book store is not big, it is well organized and has many interesting books. I read some photo books about Muhammad Ali, First ladies, and Johnny Depp who I like. After looking around the book store, we sat at a table in the restaurant and ordered some drinks. We did not eat food there, but it seemed to have reasonable prices. Also, the waiter who served us told that food is really good, so we should try eating. We had a fun time although we were only there about one and half hour. Someday, I would like to visit Busboy and Poets again with my family and will enjoy food and special events which are sometimes held there.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Field Trip to Busboys and Poets!

Tomorrow, 6/30/2016, we're going to visit Busboys and Poets.  Busboys and Poets is the name of a world-famous restaurant, coffee shop and art gallery which is located at 2021 14th St, NW Washington, D.C. 20009.  

We will meet at the U St Metro Station at 10:30a.m. and walk to the coffee shop from there.  Exit the metro toward 13th St and you'll see Ben's Chili Bowl and the Lincoln Theater across the street. We'll have coffee and conversation, so save your appetite!  See you there!

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Types of people standing in line


           Types of people standing in line 

         Have you ever thought about the types of people standing in line ? Well, probably not. People usually don't bother to look around them cause they're too busy with their own business, so they fail to notice the types of people around them. But if you give yourself a chance to look around you'll be able to see a lot of different types ! There are three main types which 
can be seen most of the time: the whiner, the silent and the talkative.

        Whiners are people who are either angry or noisy. They always have no time 
and don't want to wait, so they keep screaming and complaining about how's 
the line is too long or the employees are too slow and don't do their job the way 
they're supposed to. Therefore they most probably cause tension or get into a 
fight because they're so impatient.

         Silent people are always serious and calm. They either look at the floor
or observe other people. Most of them mind their own business and try to 
avoid any communication with other people.

        Talkative people are always friendly and smiley. You'll be able to hear 
them before even seeing them because of their loud voice. They always look 
around for people to talk with and ask open ended questions. They are able to 
talk with people from all ages about anything, topics aren't that big of a deal for them. 

        In conclusion you can say that each type has its own features and 
is so different from the other. People are different, so it depends on them 
wither they like to stand next to a whiner, silent or talkative person. But in 
my opinion Waiting in a line can be so boring especially if it's long so most 
people become talkative to pass time and enjoy themselves while waiting.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Three Kinds of American People in The Public Places

              Have you ever thought how Americans act in the public spaces? If you have been in the Metro or crowded food courts, you can find that there are many kinds of people in the U.S. Even if people are faced with the same situation, people show different responses as depending on their personalities or where they live. Some people think about others around them, but some people do not care about it. Also, the people who live in a big and crowded city are not as considerable as the people who live in a small city. Most Americans can be divided three types of people through their behaviors in the public spaces; neutral, inconsiderate, and considerate people.  

               The first type of people is neutral people who can act properly in various situations. They might know how they response and speak to others as depending on time and places. Also, they can do something without disturbing other people. When they contact someone’s eyes, they might show smile. If they recognize that their behaviors interrupt other people, they might apologize immediately. They give you a favor if you ask them, but they might not help you without your request. For example, they hold the door if they know that someone is coming behind them. They give a seating place to children, the old, or the people who have a physical disability in the public places. They push the door open button and wait for people until someone who wants to use the elevator enters inside it, but if they are busy, they cannot wait for a long time.

             Another type of people we can easily see in a big city or crowded places in the U.S. is inconsiderate people. They do not care about other people and always think about themselves more than people around them. They usually have an expressionless face, do not smile well, and do not want eye contact with other people. Some people do not know how they act appropriately in the public places, but the reasons most of them behave impolitely are that they do not have enough time to care about other people or are not interested in the people who are not relevant with them. Due to the fact that they show behaviors, they might be thought as rude and impolite people. In the rush hour, if a car suddenly cuts in front of your car without any sign, how do you feel? If you are standing in the line and waiting for your turn for a long time, you will get angry at someone cutting in your line.       

             The last type is considerate people that are common in the U.S. I am living. This type of people is easily seen in a small town than a big city. They always think about other people around them, so they are thought as kind and friendly people. They always keep smile and are willing to have eye contact with others. They can give you a favor without your request and say hello before you speak. They might open and hold the door for you, and these behaviors are natural for them. For example, you are looking for a sitting place in a busy coffee shop, they do not hesitate to share their tables with you and offer seating places. If they see the person who looks a tourist and is looking at a map, they might ask him or her “May I help you?” They tend to help people regardless of any situations and feel happy when the people who get help appreciate their kindness.

             In my opinion, American people are classified as neutral, inconsiderate, and considerate people through their behaviors in the public places. People who know how to act politely in different situations are neutral, people who do not care about other people and only think about themselves are inconsiderate, and polite people who always consider others around them are considerate. Americans I have met since I lived in the U.S. are mostly more considerable than the people I imagined before I came. They were kind and friendly, and helped me a lot. The interesting I have experienced is that when I meet a considerate person, I also try to be a similar person to them. Therefore, if you would like to be treated with kindness by people who meet you, you should try to be a considerate people. I am sure that it can work for you.    

Essay about Riding the Metro

     Have you ever ridden on public transportation? In Washington DC people commute by bus, train, car or walk. The train is called the Metro. In the Metro you can see a lot of people of different cultures, groups, ages, characters and personalities. The Metro are crowded most of the time and you may not even get seat to sit. There are some unwritten rule which you have to follow during travel by the Metro. So, when someone sits in the seat next to you, you have to give them space, collect your belonging and be alert.
     Firstly, you can sit in the sit either left or right but make sure you give space to another passenger who sits beside you. You can sit comfortably inside the imaginary line made between two seats. Americans are seriously concerned about individual space. Moreover, they don't like to be touched and felt uncomfortable to talk closely. For instance, I saw a young american lady stood up immediately from her seats after a man sats close to her which was so embracing situation for a sitting guy. So, you have to draw a unseen border while sitting in metro for convenient journey.

     Secondly,  you have to keep your belongings with you for your comfort as well as safety too. You are allowed to take your belongings but you have to keep within your sitting area for comfort. You have to make sure you lock your bag zipper, do not keep your money bag open to be safe from the people with bad intentions. Similarly, put your big bag beneath your seat and hold your purse inside arms. As the Metro is crowed most of the time we heard the news of stolen mobiles, purses, bags and money frequently. So, you should keep your things near by you especially when the Metro is over crowed.

     Thirdly, you must be conscious about whats going on around, notice the people around you and do not get busy on yourself. In the Washington DC there are people from all around the world with a lot of different ideas which may be good or bad. Bad guys may steal your belongings. You should listen to the operator and be aware of the each stops otherwise you may miss your stop. If you find some suspicious things or people you have to be attentive and inform to security officer. In this way, you can have safe and comfortable travel.

     Conclusion, to have better ride on the Metro you should be careful about distance between people for comfortable travel, putting things with you to protect from bad guys as well as be attentive to prevent from unpleasant situation. 

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Field trip to National Museum of American History

Tomorrow(June 16, 2016), We are going to the National Museum of American History. It has a lot of exhibitions about many kinds of history about the U.S. We will meet at Smithsonian Metro Station at 10:00 AM and will watch the free movie "We the People", which is about people who built the U.S. and American values, at 10:30 AM. Also, we can enjoy a musical performance conducted by U.S Air Force Strings at 12:00 PM. If you are interested in American culture and history, you should join us.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Field Trip to Botanic Garden in Washington DC

Tomorrow (Wednesday,06-08-2016), we are going to The Botanic Garden in Washington DC.  It has a lot of different kinds of plants, flowers, and fruit. We are not allowed to remove or touch any of the plants but we can learn about them, take pictures, and smell them. We will meet at 10 am at Federal Center SW Metro Station on the Blue, Silver, and Orange line and walk from there. The weather should be nice, so bring your camera.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Field trip to The National Zoo in Washington DC

Image result for National zoo trash sculptures

     We are going to the Smithsonian National Zoological Park on a field trip on 2016-06-02(Thursday) The zoo has a special exhibition of seventeen sculptures which are made of plastic trash collected from shores around the globe. Sea animals, like a shark, a parrot fish and an octopus are on display this summer.
     We will meet at 10 am at the Cleveland Park Metro Station on the Red line and then we will walk to the Zoo. If you are interested in joining this field trip, you can come. Tickets are free. We are allowed to bring water and snacks with us.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Field Trip to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing

Hello Students!

Tomorrow, May 18th, we will take a field trip to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing.

  • We will meet at Smithsonian Metro Station on the BLUE, ORANGE, and SILVER lines at 10am. 
  • Admission is FREE, but we will need to get tickets tomorrow morning. 
  • It might be raining, so bring your rain gear! The museum is indoors, but we will have to walk a short distance from the metro to the ticket booth.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Cherry Blossoms - A Reaction Essay

A Cherry Blossom in the Sun.
Have you ever heard about the Cherry Blossoms? A cherry blossom is a flower of the Japanese cherry tree. Cherry blossoms are from the Himalayas. Mayor Yukio Ozaki of Tokyo gifted 3,000 cherry trees to the city of Washington, DC in 1912. Every year we celebrate spring and honor the special friendship between the United States and Japan by visiting the cherry blossoms. Thousands of tourists visit the cherry blossoms so they are famous all round the world.  When I visited the cherry blossoms, I learned to take the metro, we took some pictures and I made some new friends.

Firstly, I was so unfamiliar with taking the metro so I looked for the map at the metro station and found my destination. I was supported by my teacher. He showed me the map and told me about each and every stop. We studied the map and followed it towards our direction. We took only one train which made us quite comfortable. We took metro from Virginia to Washington DC, so I was able to view some of the area from the metro which was awesome. Moreover, it was quite adventurous to take the metro instead of taking our own vehicle.

Secondly, when we got off of the metro we walked for some distance. We were very lucky to have good weather which made our trip nice and fresh. After 15 minutes we reached the tidal basin. I felt like I was in heaven. We all felt lucky to see such wonderful scenery which only comes once a year. The cherry blossoms add great beauty to Washington DC.  I felt amazed to touch the flowers and feel the environment during nice weather. I took some selfies as well as some group pictures which were full of fun. We took photos of the Potomac river, birds, ducks floating in the river and the Jefferson Memorial.

Thirdly, I made new friends from the other class. We introduced ourselves and talked about our cultures, traditions, customs, norms and values. We went to the restaurant nearby and spent some time making some jokes and talking about our own countries. In this way I was able to learn about the traditions of Muslims, Christians, Koreans and Hindus. This helped me understand about the thoughts and perceptions of people according to their culture. Furthermore, knowing some different aspects of life makes life adventurous.

          Finally, this field trip taught me a lot about moving around in the city and taking some tours in our daily busy life. Adjusting to the new environment is not easy, however, if we move around, make friends and enjoy the environment it will be valuable for our future.  

Risk and Technology - A Reaction Essay

Technology in Business isn't always as easy as 1,2,3.
  Have you ever thought about the digital ecosystem? Do you know what happens when disruption meets the change monster? Patrick Forth, who is a Senior Partner and Managing Director at BGC Sydney, gave a speech. He focuses on large scale change in Technology. He says how digital ecosystem like devices, social media, the internet of things, speed of connection, data creation, and stored drive disruption. He talks about how risk averse behavior affect the company to lose its business. I like his speech because he encourages business to take risks, the way he explains every things, and the information enriched my life.
First, I like his speech because he encourages business to take risks and compete with the disruption of the technology, and data. If companies do not take risks and meet with the change in the technology environment that will lead them to lose their businesses. Finally, I like his example about Kodak Film Company. The Kodak film company lost its business because it did not want to take risks to compete with digital cameras and just kept the same film or tried to improve film.  
Second, I like the way that he at the beginning talks about the effect of the digital ecosystem. Also, he gives details and examples for everything in his speech. Moreover, he encourages the leaders to think out of the box and hire young adults with expertise in technology. Also, his talk is passionate. In addition, he uses clear ideas.
            Finally, I like his speech because the information enriched my life. For example, I did not know about 3-D printers or the tech company Red Hat before his speech. Also, his speech has a lot of business terminology that I did not know before. Moreover, I did not know about the disruption before.
            In conclusion, I like this Ted Talk because of the way he used it to analyze the problem. The examples that he gives encourage businesses to take risks. I have learned new information and words, so I recommend it to everyone interested in business. 
By Dalal