Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Risk and Technology - A Reaction Essay

Technology in Business isn't always as easy as 1,2,3.
  Have you ever thought about the digital ecosystem? Do you know what happens when disruption meets the change monster? Patrick Forth, who is a Senior Partner and Managing Director at BGC Sydney, gave a speech. He focuses on large scale change in Technology. He says how digital ecosystem like devices, social media, the internet of things, speed of connection, data creation, and stored drive disruption. He talks about how risk averse behavior affect the company to lose its business. I like his speech because he encourages business to take risks, the way he explains every things, and the information enriched my life.
First, I like his speech because he encourages business to take risks and compete with the disruption of the technology, and data. If companies do not take risks and meet with the change in the technology environment that will lead them to lose their businesses. Finally, I like his example about Kodak Film Company. The Kodak film company lost its business because it did not want to take risks to compete with digital cameras and just kept the same film or tried to improve film.  
Second, I like the way that he at the beginning talks about the effect of the digital ecosystem. Also, he gives details and examples for everything in his speech. Moreover, he encourages the leaders to think out of the box and hire young adults with expertise in technology. Also, his talk is passionate. In addition, he uses clear ideas.
            Finally, I like his speech because the information enriched my life. For example, I did not know about 3-D printers or the tech company Red Hat before his speech. Also, his speech has a lot of business terminology that I did not know before. Moreover, I did not know about the disruption before.
            In conclusion, I like this Ted Talk because of the way he used it to analyze the problem. The examples that he gives encourage businesses to take risks. I have learned new information and words, so I recommend it to everyone interested in business. 
By Dalal

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