Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Busboys and Poets

     Last week, we went to the famous restaurant Busboys and Poets. We met at U St metro station and walked from there. While we were walking, we saw beautiful spray paintings made on the wall of the Ben's Chili bowl. We took some pictures and videos. Then we went inside the Busboys and Poets which was interesting. We saw a small book store where there were a lot of author signed books about famous personalities. For example, Barack Obama and Micheal Jackson. Then we booked one big table and sat around with big menu and ordered some coffee and juice. We had some conversation which helps me to know more about American culture. We had a lot of fun over there and after few hours we went back to the metro station.

     I liked this field trip because it helped me to find out about a well known place and the traditions from generation to generation.  I liked the way they use the paintings to reflect the importance of famous people. The place was colorful so I enjoyed it a lot and felt at home there. This place was really good to learn about the past history of America. The restaurant was so clean. I can read, eat, and enjoy the music all in one place, which was great.

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