Wednesday, August 24, 2016

2015 Earthquake Effects still Noticeable in Nepal

People in Nepal are still suffering from the earthquake which happened last year. In 2015, 25 April there was a massive earthquake which killed more then 8,000 and injured 20,000 more.

     According to www.mercycorps,org more then 500,500 houses were destroyed due to that huge earthquake and 270,900 houses were damaged. According to the Nepalese government provided 15,000 Nepali rupees($140) to each family and then later an additional amount of 10,000 Nepali rupees($94) per family. 

     Approximately 300,000 Nepali rupees (2796.21$) is needed to build a simple house so the money provided is not enough to re-build a house.  Half of the victims are still living under tents. There had been some financial aid from national and international organizations, but it hasn't been enough to cover the disaster.

     The victims from this earthquake are facing the problem of load shedding, which is when the power is turned off intermittently. The hydro powers as well as electric lines were destroyed due to the earthquake resulting in disruption of power supply. According to victims from the earthquake are using lights from their motorbikes to cook food at night in Kathmandu valley.

     After such huge destruction people need many basic things to live like food, water, clothing and shelter. According to after the earthquake people needed clean water, blankets and towels, tarps and hygienic materials. 

     Since 2015 there have been other smaller earthquakes as well. According to there have been 428 aftershocks greater than 4 on the Richter scale in and around Nepal since the big one last year. 

     Mahima, a Nepalese citizen living in Washington DC, said, "I am here, however my mind is thinking about my country and scared due to earthquakes which are going on frequently most of the days."

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