Friday, September 18, 2015

TED Talk - Barry Schwartz: The way we think about work is broken


  1. Money and rewards are important, but they donot cause satisfaction on work. It might cause dissatisfaction. I think every one has different needs and when they have their needs they will be satisfied. I agree with Maslow Needs.

  2. I like his ideas about the technology of ideas that he called "Idea technology". Science create ideas and ways for people to understanding. Then they can understanding themselves and what are they doing, what will they get for doing it. He was right about that if it is bad technology, it is going to be disappears. But if it is a false ideas about human beings, it won't go away if people believe that they're true about following that false ideas.

  3. I agree that when people can do what they want to do and get what they need, it'll make them satisfied. We have been making ourselves depend on rewards and money to be a reason for working. Yes we have to make a living but let's think about working for joys and happiness. People believe what majorities suppose something to be true so most of them follow the crowds. Some minor people can be satisfied of helping people, or living as a true artist without minding about money. I think maybe they're not rich but they truly work and live with their satisfactions.
