Tuesday, September 8, 2015

New Orleans 10 Years After Hurricane Katrina

I've read a news about New Orleans "Ten Years after Katrina, New Orleans Is a Different City". In 2005, one-thousand-eight hundred people are believed to have died because of Katrina. Federal Emergency Management Agency were blamed on the problems after the storm lack of coordination between politicians, relief organizations, the military.

Now New Orleans is a different city after was struck by the Katrina 10 years ago. The city has recovered and changed. President Barack Obama has visited New Orleans. The city’s demographics (the statistical data of a population) also have changed. New Orleans used to be a old city 10 years ago, but now it is a younger city than it was before. Much of the city’s housing that were destroyed by the Katrina has been rebuilt, the city has built more bridges, roads and improved  schools...Businesses, trade and visitors have returned to New Orleans. Now they have more jobs for people with an education or valuable skills. New industries and investment in small, start-up technology companies are growing. They have almost 500 restaurants and they had 9.3 million visitors last year.

But there still some problems, the rising cost of living has flipped some of the city's neighborhoods. African-Americans who have returned have been less likely to share in the abundance (the good things of life, prosperity). White people are displacing black people who were here before.

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