Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Field Trip Scavenger Hunt!

Good Morning Students!  Welcome to our Field Trip Scavenger Hunt.

Today we will visit three places, The Supreme Court of the United States, The U.S. Capitol Building, and the Library of Congress.

Below there is a list of things that we can find inside these places.  Your task is to research, locate and photograph as many items from the list as you can find.  The team that photographs the most items wins!  Form your teams now, and get started!!

Find and Identify

  • The Bronze Doors
  • Contemplation of Justice
  • Authority of Law
  • Apotheosis Of Washington
  • Statue of Freedom
  • Brumidi Corridors
  • Magna Carta
  • Statue of Moses
Bonus Questions

  • There are 9 Supreme Court Justices.  Can you name 2?
  • There is an inscription under the Statue of Moses.  What does it say?
  • Who painted the Apotheosis of Washington?

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