Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Classification Essay - Types of Students

     Everybody has been a student at some time in their life.  Do you remember your school days? Most people can probably remember their favorite teacher.  Maybe you also remember your first trip up the stairs to your classroom.  Can you remember your classmates?  Most schools have three types of students, the Teacher's Pet, the Average Joe and the Slacker.

    The first type of student is known as the Teacher's Pet.  He/she always arrives prior to the lesson. He/she looks very serious and follows all the rules and regulations. When I was in school this student usually studied hard and made good grades. He/She turned in all the assignments on time.  These students will probably get well-paid jobs in respectable companies. The Teacher's Pet might make a lot of money in their career.

     The second type of student is called Average Joe/Jane. These students usually come to class on time. They look friendly and interested in the topic. Most of my classmates were Average Joes/Janes. They participated in every discussion and activity but they sometimes missed classes, so they didn't turn in all the assignments. These students will be reasonably paid or they may start their own businesses . The Average Joe will be satisfied with life if his/her goals are modest.

     The third type of student is referred to as The Slacker. This type of student always shows up 20 minutes after the class has started. They look like they just woke up and they often fall asleep in class. Every class had at least one slacker when I was in school. He/she never did any of the assignments and didn't show any interest in the class. This student will have a hard time finding a job and might resort to a life of crime. The Slacker won't have a good future.

     So, those three types of students are visible at every school in the world. The Teacher's pet, who brought an apple for the teacher everyday, the slacker who never brought anything, and the rest of us who did our work and enjoyed our subjects. You met them when you were 10. You know them now and you will probably work with some of them in the future. Which type of student are you?  

Collectively written by ESL 070


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