Thursday, October 8, 2015

My English Class

     Have you ever thought about studying in the ESL program at Stratford University. In my class, we read the Newspaper everyday, go on trips every week, and practice critical thinking all the time. 
    First reading Newspaper enriched my vocabulary. For example, the word sanction which means

a threatened penalty for disobeying a law or rule. I knew this word when we read the article in the Newspaper.  And, the word bottleneck which means moving from wide to narrow. I knew this word when we spoke about the traffic in the DC. In addition, reading Newspaper informed us of events. For instance, Pope visited and that helped us to be aware about the crowded in Washington DC. As a result we didn’t go trip when the Pope visited. Moreover, reading Newspaper improved my reading skills. When I started my class my skills in reading were slow. But know my reading is faster than before. Our teacher wrote some questions in the bored and we had to find the answers from Newspaper.Then he reviewed the answer with us.

     In addition, we have visited many different places in our weakly trip. I think the trips were very useful for a few reasons. First, trips have given me the skills in working with a team. For example we did presentation about Busboys and Poets restaurant. Also the trips gave me a chance to do something which I had not done before. For example I used public transportation Metro. I learned that I have to use the Internet to know which station color I have to take then buy ticket and met our teacher in the front of the station which is near to our trip. Also trips opened my eyes to museums. Moreover, we had to write about our trips every week. So, that improved my writing skills. For example, after we wrote the teacher revised it with us and gave us feedback then we corrected it.
Image result for critical thinking
     Finally, we practiced critical thinking in our class all the time. For example when we read about Gun crime in the Newspaper the teacher asked us about our opinions about gun right and he showed us the a amendment in the constitution related to gun rights. Also, when we saw Animal Right  in Ted talk. Then the teacher asked us “What will happen to us if animals have right”. And we discussed it. In addition, when we read about budget cut in schools he asked us the advantages and disadvantages of that. Then we talked about that.
     In conclusion I have gotten a positive affect in my class. I knew a lot of information about different  places which I had visited . And my class opened my eyes to the 'benefit of critical thinking. Moreover it influenced me to read newspaper everyday and improved my reading skills. 

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