Monday, July 6, 2015

Peru Pachamama

Last Wednesday, we went to the Folklife Festival on the National Mall in Washington DC. Ahmed and our teacher met each other near Q'eswachaka Bridge. After that, they had a hard time to finding Zoe and Anna. But finally, we all met near the Concert Stage.

The first place we visited was the Cusco Textiles. We learned how the people weave their textile products. 

And then, we moved to Wachiperi Communities to see how they made traditional crafts, heard their creation myths, and learned a few words in Wachiperi.

 After that we went to the Tradiciones Carumenas where the Danza Sarawja is preformed. The Sarawja is when dancers preform circles around men playing, singing, and dancing Zapateado ( footwork) and the women sing while twirling in a circle. 

 Beside that, we found the Urban Art and Music exhibit which showed the artists using silk screening to paint. In addition, we saw street art and a decorated mtootaxi.

And finally, we went to the El  Fogon Kitchen which had a variety of traditional food and beverages. We tried the Charcoal Chicken  and choclo (corn on the cob) which was very delicious.

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