Sunday, October 9, 2016

Field trip to the Capitol Building

Last week, ESL students from Stratford University went to the Capitol building. We met at the Capitol South metro station and headed towards the building. It was really amazing to see the huge beautiful building.

However, it was not easy. You have to go through a tight security screening for safety and security. We were guided by a Congressional intern from the building, he was nice and friendly. There were very beautiful paintings of American history, which was awesome.

Inside the building, there were many statues of great American personalities. The most amazing statue was of the statue of Freedom which is more than 13 foot high.  It was once carried by helicopter, cleaned and replaced on top of the building.  On the statue, the Snake represents Wisdom and the Eagle represents Freedom.

     The building is the symbol of unity as well as love for building a nation together. We also got chance to watch a short historical movie about the Capitol building. I was glad to see and learn the history of The United State of America.


Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Field Trip to the US Capitol Building

Tomorrow, October 5th, 2016, Stratford ESL is going to visit the U.S. Capitol Building.  We have a guided tour scheduled for 11 a.m. from the Longworth House Office Building.

We will meet at the exit of the Capitol South Metro station at 10:30 and from there we can walk to the office together.

Students might want to bring their passports, in case we need photo identification.  Also, there will be several security checks, so try to leave your large bags at home.  You can bring a camera, but we might not be able to take pictures inside.

It should be an exciting and educational visit.  If you want to read more about where we are going, check these links.  See you tomorrow!!