Monday, June 22, 2015

Butterfly Event

Hi friends,

If you like watching your garden flutter or want to learn more about butterfliescome celebrate pollinators at the United States Botanic Garden this Friday Jun, 19 2015.
During this special event Join Jim Willmott and Dr. Ari Novy as they share the wonders of what butterflies, bumblebees and honeybees bring to the environment followed by the release of butterflies into National Butterfly Garden.
This program will be offered twice, at 10:30 a.m. and 12 p.m. It is held outdoors .

You can get there by :
- Driving :  the address is  100 Maryland Ave. SW Washington, DC 20002
   Parking:  Parking spaces are available within a few blocks of the U.S. Botanic Garden. A limited        number of accessible spaces are available in front of the Conservatory on Maryland Avenue SW.
-Using Metro : by taking either the Orange or Blue line to the Federal Center SW station. Exit the station, walk left along Third Street SW for two blocks, cross Independence Avenue and continue one more block to Maryland Ave.

I choose this event because I love watching butterflies and a big fan of the Botanic Garden campus also the event is free, so please join us .

Friday, June 19, 2015

Thing to do this weekend: Global tour: Travel and works on paper

  There are a lot of activities in DC this weekend. I'm going to the Talk and Exhibit Event called "Global tour: Travel and works on paper". It's opening this Saturday at the University of California Washington Center at 1608 Rhode Island Ave. NW, Washington DC from 10 am to 11 am.
    Artist Sidney Lawrence will lead a tour of his 30 piece exhibition. This event will be organized at the Alcove Gallery of  the University. You could go there by car or by public transportation. They will have parking inside the University if you drive your car. Or you could take Metro, take the red line to Farragut North Metro Station. Exit the station and then turn right to Rhode Island Ave, you will see The University of California Washington on the right side.
   If you don't have any plans to do this weekend, why you don't try to do this? We just only have 1 hour to listen all information that the Artist try to give us.  So you should be there on time. It's going to be a wonderful weekend. See you there!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Field Trip to the National Portrait Gallery


Good Morning Students! Today we are going to the National Portrait Gallery located near the the Gallery Place/Chinatown Metro stop on the Red Line.  

Here are a few articles from the collection that we can find and identify...

Team 1 - Find these 3 portraits and identify - Subject - Artist - Location - for each portrait. 

Team 2 - Find these 3 Portraits and Identify - Subject - Artist - Location - for each portrait.

When each team has found their portraits, we can meet in the Kogod Courtyard to compare notes.