Monday, September 29, 2014

Washington D.C. Memorial and Monument Scavenger Hunt!

Hello ESL Scavenger Hunters!

Welcome to our scavenger hunt.  A scavenger hunt is a game in which you look for and find the places on the list, and take pictures there.  The team who finds the most places on the list will win the game and receive a prize.  We have prepared a map, some directions and some clues to help you find all the locations on the list.  You can follow the instructions step by step, answer the questions, and take pictures with each monument or memorial.  Ready?

Here is a map of the area


Lincoln Memorial

Hello Scavenger hunters!

As you exit the United States Institute of Peace, look around, you'll see a big white building with white columns. Walk to this building and enter it. When you enter it, you'll see me sitting on a big chair.

What is my name?

Why am I famous?

Take a picture of your team on the steps in front of my Memorial.

MLK Jr Memorial

I was born January 15 1929.  I am a famous African American man.  I helped guarantee the right to vote for all Americans, especially African Americans.  My statue is not far from the Korean War Veterans Memorial.  To find me you can cross Independence Ave NW then after you cross it turn left and keep walking until you find me on the right hand side.  If you see me you will know immediately that this is my statue.  

What is my name?

Take a picture of your team with my statue.

World War II Memorial

From the stairs of  "Location ONE" you can walk toward the Washington monument. On your way, you will pass a big fountain... around the fountain there are 50 columns, one for each state...walk to the fountain, look for the Virginia state column.
Take a picture of your team with the Virginia Column at the WWII Memorial

Monday, September 22, 2014

Stratford ESL is going to a Major League Baseball Game!

Greeeeat News.!!!

We are excited to announce that our class is going to a baseball game this week.
All the classes are invited, and here is what you need to know:

-Game time: Friday September 26th at 1:05p.m.

-Home Team: Washington Nationals.

-Away Team: Miami Marlins.

-Ticket Prices: To be announced - (probably less than 15$).

-Metro Stop: Navy Yard Metro ''Green Line''.

We will have more information later this week, so keep checking with us.
 If you are interested, you can sign up in the ESL office.

Stratford ESL News

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Festivals and Events.

Hi, I hope you enjoy browsing Stratford University's ESL blog. I found a list of festivals and events while checking online, I thought it would be a good a idea if I shared it on the blog.